Flanv International Inc

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Foundation Certification

Flanv International Inc.’s DevOps Foundation Certification training and program ensure your team has all the needed skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality software solutions and exceed the expectations, delivering actual results. Our Foundation Certification program covers several DevOps tools and techniques that can be adopted and implemented into organizations. In addition, our Foundation Certification program gives a complete comprehension of the critical DevOps language and wordings to ensure that everyone is using a similar language.

At Flanv International Inc., we offer DevOps tools to ensure transparency, automation, and collaboration to resolve challenges that come with DevOps implementation. Some of the tools we include in our Foundation Certification program are – Git, CI/CD using Jenkins and GitLab, Testing using Selenium, Kubernetes, Logging using ELK, and Monitoring using Prometheus & Grafana, etc. The program also includes the latest principles, technologies, thinking, and practices from the DevOps community, including real-world case studies from high-performing organizations. With this program, the learners will also gain a deep understanding of DevOps, the cultural and professional movement to improve the flow of work between software developers and IT operations professionals.